Assignment 1_Newark

Assignment 1: We had to research an artist and talk about their work. I chose Richard Serra, his work has interested me ever since I went to Storm King.  He was born November 2, 1939 in San Francisco, California, and is an American minimalist sculptor.  He is well known for his minimalist constructions using sheets of metal and steel.  The pieces he makes are self supporting, and want to show a relationship between the weight and overall nature of the material.  Overtime his pieces have shiftedin form and he tends to work with planes or curved pieces.

One Response to “Assignment 1_Newark”

  1. I think when you’re ready it’s time to Create a piece that will be the Focus of those who come to experience the Greatness of Magic Sports… and You can help make their visit even more an experience that they will share and remember throughout time.
    Maybe we Create a location within the Complex that we can Feature Special works of Art from those who graduate or have already graduated from NJIT. The door and the entire Complex is open to be your canvas to Create whatever you would like to share with the World.

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