Archive for the Uncategorized Category

Back to the states…

Posted in Uncategorized on September 8, 2009 by ron0687

This summer I have learned and experienced things I thought I would never get to do.  It was definitely one of the greatest summers of my life.  I made new friends from different places, tried great food, went to great beaches, and stayed in some great cities.  I will go back to Europe someday, but now that I have traveled I would like to see other parts of the world.  And I would like to thank my professors for teaching me as much as they could, last but not least I want to thank my family for making it possible for me to come on this trip…Without them I would not have been able to see and experience Italy the way I did…

Summit Street Boyz…final

Posted in Uncategorized on September 8, 2009 by ron0687

Summit Street Boyz

Posted in Uncategorized on September 8, 2009 by ron0687

Looking into the NJIT master plan, the Ballsley Landscape plan, and various other plans for Newark.  We decided that we wanted to unit the idea that Summit st. is the main acces to the campus and it should be celebrated.  The main entry would be non vehicular, creating a hierarchy over vehicles.  Our idea also was that this green walk way would start to bleed into the rest of the campus.  While bleeding through the campus it would start to trickle off asit got farther away from the main green walkway, Summit st.

Studying NJIT

Posted in Uncategorized on September 8, 2009 by ron0687

From the beginning Myself, Eric and Steve were very interested in the Summit st. area of NJIT.  It is a main access into the campus, so it seemed like studying it would give us some interesting results.  First we documented all the facades on summit, and also all the points of entry on the whole NJIT campus.

Newark_movie sketches & site visits

Posted in Uncategorized on September 8, 2009 by ron0687

Assignment 1_Newark

Posted in Uncategorized on September 8, 2009 by ron0687

Assignment 1: We had to research an artist and talk about their work. I chose Richard Serra, his work has interested me ever since I went to Storm King.  He was born November 2, 1939 in San Francisco, California, and is an American minimalist sculptor.  He is well known for his minimalist constructions using sheets of metal and steel.  The pieces he makes are self supporting, and want to show a relationship between the weight and overall nature of the material.  Overtime his pieces have shiftedin form and he tends to work with planes or curved pieces.

Panaramas_Siena & Florence

Posted in Uncategorized on September 8, 2009 by ron0687

Other sketches…Siena_Florence

Posted in Uncategorized on September 8, 2009 by ron0687

Siena Paper

Posted in Uncategorized on September 8, 2009 by ron0687

Studying Siena_Aquatecture

Posted in Uncategorized on September 8, 2009 by ron0687

My group consisted of Myself, Wilson, Tanzela, Zach, Joel and Alex.  We were assigned a “path” to study and find something about the path that really stuck out to us.  We each initially chose something that stuck out to us.  Wilson looked at the aquaduct system.  Tanzela was interested in sanitation.  Alex looked at the fountain history and overall places where they were located.  Joel looked at the facades of buildings and how they changed along a path.  Zach dwelled into the walls and the history of them over time.  I looked at how groups of people gathered along the path and why they gathered.  Our path was from the gates Pta Pispini to San Marco.

For our project we decided to really focus on water and what it had to do with the city.  Basically, the aquaduct system and water overall has been a very secretive subject in Siena for ages.  To get water into the city, the Sieanese used a well that tapped into the mountains.  The water was then taken into the city through an aquaduct called the bottini.  The bottini then fed this water to multiple fountains in the city.  The idea of the fountain was there were three main components: a place for drinking, a place for washing, and a placefor animals to drink.  The idea of the fountain today is totally different from what it used to be.  It is merely ornamental today unlike in the past where it was essential for survival of the city.  This is something we really wanted to look into.

Our goal in the oroject was to make water in Siena a more social aspect of the city like it once was.  It is now a more personal aspect of the city where a person buys a bottle of water somewhere, and is skeptical about using the fountains even though they are potable.  Our idea for the project was to make water way finding type device, that was physically evident in the city.  Unlike it is now, where it is basically hidden everywhere.  We wanted to create something that would cause masses or even just small groups of people to be curious about the water of Siena, and even the history of water in Siena.  So our intervention was this way finding device that would appear and disappear in the streetsof the city.  This intervention could be a place to drink, a reflecting pool, a ornamental fountain, or somewhere one could just wade in ankle deep.  Doing this would unite the city even more,and cause an even more interesting interaction between locals and tourists.